"How To Quit Smoking or Quit Vaping Easily and Permanently!"

What if I told you that quitting smoking cigarettes or vapes could be as easy as snapping your fingers? A bold statement, but please bear with me. After 25 years of heavy smoking, I stumbled upon something that got me to quit instantly and permanently.

You see, for 25 years I smoked like there was no tomorrow. I was no stranger to chain smoking. Like most smokers, I ignored all the warnings that smoking was bad for you. I would bury my head in the sand and convince myself that life would be a boring, joyless place without my smoking in it.

The problem with this approach is that the negatives of smoking - such as coughing, low energy, a sore throat, shortness of breath, wheezing, and health concerns, to name a few - do not go away. Despite trying to enjoy smoking and doing my best to ignore its nasty side effects, I kept trying to quit.

After more than two decades I realized that smoking is not purely a physical addiction, but there is another component to it. The other component was the mental side of it all.

If you don't address the both sides of the problem, the addiction to smoking never leaves and it becomes extremely difficult to quit smoking. Once I realized this, all the pieces of the puzzle came together and I knew why quitting smoking was profoundly difficult for many, including me. I knew from that moment on that smoking would not be part of my life anymore.

Very soon I quit smoking and all forms of nicotine magically disappeared from my life as if it was never there. Amazingly the whole process of quitting could not be easier and there was no discomfort involved. I was permanently free from smoking and had absolutely no desire for a cigarette or a vape. I was at least expecting a fight, but quitting smoking cigarettes and sucking on vapes was something of the past. I was pretty shocked that it all seemed so easy.

How could a chain smoker like me find it so easy to be rid of a 25-year smoking habit? I knew I uncovered something very special, but I absolutely didn't expect it to be this easy. Dumbfounded to my discovery, I was still expecting nasty nicotine withdrawal cravings as I started living life without cigarettes and vapes. Incredibly, there was none. The sceptic in me would not go away, but cigarettes and vapes disappeared completely from my life.

Days would go by and I still had no need or desire to smoke. Even being around smokers had no effect on me. I was immune to any influence that could lead me back to my old smoking habits. To say I was stunned was and understatement! Weeks quickly turned into years and it served as unmistakable confirmation that I discovered the incredible secret to easy and lasting freedom from any form of nicotine. I would like to share this secret with you.

Soon after my shocking revelation of not only quitting smoking easily, but quitting permanently, I knew that I was in possession of very valuable information. It would be many years later, but I finally did put my ideas and concepts on paper and "The Easy and Permanent Path to Freedom from Smoking" is the result. In this book I share my story and how easy it can be to walk away from smoking permanently, without discomfort or fuss.

I put the concepts in very easy to understand terms, and repeat the concepts over and over so that the ideas and concepts are as clear as day. With nothing left to chance, quitting smoking becomes a matter of following instructions. Freedom from smoking becomes a quick and easy process that is permanent.

"Ex-Smokers Confused Me and Quit Smoking Books Were Scary"

During many years as a heavy smoker, I would contemplate and investigate the mysteries of nicotine addiction. I could not understand how some people could quit like it's nothing and how others like me were beyond hope.

I would question ex-smokers and I would read all the books I could find on the subject. Most ex-smokers couldn't seem to articulate properly how they did it and most books on quitting tried to scare me into quitting. That didn't work at all!

Scare tactics never works and most aids to help people quit smoking does not address the real problem when it comes to nicotine addiction.

In "The Easy and Permanent Path to Freedom from Smoking" I share the real underlying causes of nicotine addiction and why most people find it difficult to quit smoking. "The Easy and Permanent Path to Freedom from Smoking" will absolutely not confuse you and it contains no scare tactics.

With my simple and easy to understand instructions, walking away from nicotine can be as easy as snapping your fingers. Being free of nicotine becomes a lasting reality. No fuss and no discomfort is a result when quitting with my method. Lifelong freedom with a healthier, happier life follows.

"The Magic is in a Deep Understanding of The Addiction to Smoking"

All my previous attempts to quit smoking required gathering all the willpower I could muster. In a heroic effort, I would quit cold-turkey. Soon I would cower in terror as the nicotine withdrawal symptoms would start to torture me.

It wouldn't be long before I gave in and found myself chain smoking again because it felt like I was deprived of something that made life worth living. I'm ashamed to admit it, but this happened more times than I care to remember.

Like most smokers who try to quit, I would think it was just a matter of abstaining from smoking until the will to smoke left. This did not work at all. It was like trying to hold your breath with the hopes that you wouldn't need to breathe anymore.

The truth is that freedom can only come with a deep understanding of the realities surrounding smoking. Quitting can become an easy, comfortable and even an enjoyable process. I explain this process using simple and clear terms, concepts and examples in 'The Easy and Permanent Path to Freedom from Smoking'. I also repetitively emphasize many of the concepts to ensure that there is no doubt about the information I provide you with.

For those who succeed with willpower, the road ahead is often filled with nicotine cravings, even if an ex-smoker hasn't smoked in weeks, months, or years. That is no way to go through life! I show you how to quit the right way and to never crave another cigarette or vape ever again.

"I Failed Hundreds of Times So That You Don't Have To"

Have you ever tried quitting smoking and failed? I know just how frustrating it can be to quit smoking and then fail miserably. I tried to quit so many times during my 25 years of smoking that I could not put a number to it.

I was also no stranger when it came to simply giving up hope of ever being free of cigarettes and vapes. Wherever you are at the moment in your life's journey when it comes to smoking, I can tell you that I've been there.

As a long-term chain smoker who smoked hundreds of thousands of cigarettes during his lifetime, I can assure you that there is a way to quit smoking easily and permanently. I'm living proof that you can fail hundreds of times and succeed! I would however strongly recommend that you be smart about trying to quit smoking and that is where 'The Easy and Permanent Path to Freedom from Smoking' comes in.

Failure upon failure to rid yourself of smoking permanently is absolutely not necessary! My method involves an easier way without any trial and error. When you know what is really going on when it comes smoking, defeating the addiction becomes easy.

The problem with most smokers who try to quit, is that they simply abstain from smoking and hope they won't have to smoke anymore. This is a recipe for disaster. It is totally reasonable to think that quitting smoking involves abstaining from cigarettes or vapes until the will to smoke leaves. The problem with this thinking and course of action is that the will to smoke almost never leaves easily.

With most attempts at quitting, the mental aspect of smoking is never addressed. Many other books and literature will also overlook many of the mental and phycological aspects of the addiction to smoking.

You see, the addiction to nicotine is not just a physical trap with chemicals that traps your body into craving nicotine, but the addiction also snares its victims mentally. Ever heard of an ex-smoker getting a craving for a cigarette years after quitting smoking? Well, that ex-smoker is still mentally trapped and the addiction to smoking still has a hold over him, even if he hasn't had a cigarette in years.

In 'The Easy and Permanent Path to Freedom from Smoking', I show you how to escape the mental trap of nicotine addiction. In fact, most of the book is dedicated to escape the mental trap of the addiction to smoking. Once the mental side of the addiction is eliminated, the physical addiction to smoking has no leg to stand on and freedom from smoking follows for life.

"Anyone Can Use My Method, No Matter Who You Are"

Whether you're 18 or 80 years old, you can use my method to quit easily, without fuss and permanently. Whether you smoke one cigarette a week or one hundred a day, my method will work for you.

I went from smoking 100 cigarettes a day to none without any withdrawal symptoms.

Once I understood the mechanisms and mechanics of nicotine addiction, overlooked by most people who try to quit smoking, it all came together. There was no turning back and nicotine didn't stand a chance of entering my life again.

"No Willpower, Discomfort, Hypnosis, Props, Pills, Patches, Potions, Hypnosis or Strange Gimmicks Required"

My method does not involve willpower, discomfort, hypnosis, props, pills or potions. It also does not involve hypnosis or strange gimmicks or ideas. It involves common sense and the expulsion of many myths when it comes to smoking.

I show you how to disarm the hold smoking has over you, mentally and physically. With smoking having no more place to hang on to, a light opens up at the end of the tunnel and easily walking away for life is a natural result.

"Absolutely No Scare Tactics, Fear or Dread"

Did you know that it is not uncommon for government agencies, medical associations and various other health associations to use fear-based messages and advertising to try to get people to quit smoking? Out of personal experience, I know this never works. All it does is to make people cling even tighter to their cigarettes and vapes.

In 'The Easy and Permanent Path to Freedom from Smoking', I make a point of it not to scare you into quitting smoking because I know the odds of it working is slim to none. I also show you how to quit without any fear, discomfort or dread.

"LOOK! There Are Incredible Benefits to Being Free of Smoking!"

The thought of quitting smoking can be daunting for most people, but quitting can be extremely rewarding to your life. Here are some of the greatest benefits you can look forward to:

How Much Would a Brand New, Healthy, Extended Life Mean to You?

When it comes to the important things in life, most would agree that time is one of the most valuable things in life. Many would argue that you cannot put a price on it. Many would also agree that the quality of the time we spend on this earth is just as important.

Would quitting smoking provide you with an extended lifespan and provide a better life experience once you easily and permanently quit smoking? The answer is a resounding 'Yes!' - Ask any long-term ex-smoker, and they will confirm it hands down.

As a liberated, ex-smoker who smoked an obscene amount of cigarettes in his life-time, I strongly encourage you to claim your brand new extended, healthy life today! Claim your copy of the 'The Easy and Permanent Path to Freedom from Smoking' and say goodbye to smoking forever!

Ready to Make Big Improvements in Your Life?

Join me on the easy and permanent path to freedom from smoking. Let's embark on a transformative journey together! Get 'The Easy and Permanent Path to Freedom from Smoking' today. The secret to easy, lifelong freedom from nicotine is waiting for you to be discovered.

Your Mentor, Ex-smoker and Author
Walter Powrie

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